Young Women of Geoscience (YWOG)


What do I call you – a recap

On 21 March, YWOG organised ‘What do I call you? A conversation on pronouns’. We would like to give you a short recap of what was – in our eyes – a very positive and successful event to start the conversation around pronouns in the workplace.

Over forty people signed up for the event, and most of those attended. We are very happy with the turnout. We were able to have a very positive, respectful, vulnerable and open atmosphere and discussion about pronouns and gender identity, and we are very grateful for that. Some of the participants asked questions via the Wooclap, some voiced their questions to the crowd, and some were able to share their own experiences.

Below, you will find resources about pronoun use in English and Dutch, inclusive language, why pronouns matter, and answers to the (unanswered) Wooclap questions. Another interesting outcome of the event: the option to add your pronouns to your email signature will now be added to the Corporate Identity signature template! We hope this will normalise the use of pronouns in and outside of the workplace and make it easier for our trans and non-binary colleagues to show up as themselves.

During the borrel, we’ve spoken to some of the participants who are interested in a follow-up meeting, and we’d love for them to get in touch so we can talk more about this. Our digital door is always open at

Until the next one,

Marlow (they/them), Jana (she/her) and Merel (she/her).

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Answers to the (unanswered) Wooclap questions during the event


Inclusive writing (UU)

Gender unicorn: the differences between gender, sex and sexuality

Inclusive language: an incomplete guide (EGU)

Why pronouns matter

Pronoun use: English (UN)

Guide to Being a Trans Ally

Gender minority glossary of terms


10 questions about non-binary people (Dutch)

Pronoun use: Dutch

Genderneutrale voornaamwoorden in het Nederlands

Genderdiversiteit in het hoger onderwijs

Factsheet: Inclusie trans en non binaire mensen op de werkvloer